
Movement In A New Direction Helps You Find A New Cheese.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 朝新的方向前进,你会发现新的奶酪。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Haw looked down the dark passageway and was aware of his fear. What lay ahead? Was it empty? Or worse, were there dangers lurking? He began to imagine all kinds of frightening things that could happen to him. He was scaring himself to death.


Then he laughed at himself. He realized his fears were making things worse. So he did what he would do if he wasn't afraid. He moved in a new direction.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 忽然,他又觉得自己真的可笑,他意识到,他的畏惧只会使事情变得更糟糕。于是,他采取了当他无所畏惧的时候会采取的行动,他朝一个新的方向跑去。

As he started running down the dark corridor, he began to smile. Haw didn't realize it yet, but he was discovering what nourished his soul. He was letting go and trusting what lay ahead for him, even though he did not know exactly what it was.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 当他跑向这条黑暗的走廊时,他笑了起来。唧唧还没有认识到这一点,但他觉得他的灵魂得到了丰富。他正在放开自己,对前景充满了信心。尽管他并不能确切地知道前面究竟有些什么。

To his surprise, Haw started to enjoy himself more and more. "Why do I feel so good?" he wondered. "I don't have any Cheese and I don't know where I am going."


上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Before long, he knew why he felt good.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址 He stopped to write again on the wall:


When You Move Beyond You Fear, You Feel Free


Haw realized he had been held captive by his own fear. Moving in a new direction had freed him.


上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Now he felt the cool breeze that was blowing in this part of the Maze and it was refreshing. He took in some deep breaths and felt invigorated by the movement. Once he had moved past his fear, it turned out to be more enjoyable than he once believed it could be.

这时,从迷宫中吹来习习的 凉 风,使人感到神清气爽。他深吸了一口气,不觉振作起来,一旦克服了自己的恐惧感,他觉得一切比原来自己想像的要好得多。

Haw hadn't felt this way for a ong time. He had almost forgotten how much fun it was to try new things.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 唧唧已经很久没有这种感觉了。他几乎就快要忘记了这种感觉是多么的惬意。

To make things even better, Haw started to paint a picture in his mind again. He saw himself in great realistic detail, sitting in the middle of a pile of all his favorite cheeses -- from Cheddar to Brie! He saw himself eating the many cheeses he liked, and he enjoyed what he saw. Then he imagined how much he would enjoy all their great tastes.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 为了使事情更顺利地进行,他又开始在头脑中描绘一种景象。想象中,他在一种很棒的现实环境,坐在各种他喜欢的奶酪中间——有切达奶酪还有布里奶酪!他看见自己在吃许多他喜欢吃的奶酪。这样的景象使他获得一种享受,他想像着这些奶酪的滋味该是多么美啊!

The more clearly he saw the image of himself enjoying New Cheese, the more real and believable it became. He could sense that he was going to find it. He wrote:
